

96年 學測
001 文法測驗 The movie director adapted this year...
002 文法測驗 Wang Chien-ming, the Yankees’ best p...
003 文法測驗 Although Jeffery had to keep two part-time jobs to support his fam...
004 文法測驗 If it is too cold in this room, you can ______ the air conditioner...
005 文法測驗 This course will provide students with a solid ______ for research...
006 文法測驗 Peter is now living on a ______ of NT$100 per day. He cannot affor...
007 文法測驗 Amy succeeded in ______ for a raise ...
008 文法測驗 Ms. Li’s business ______ very quickl...
009 文法測驗 Ruth is a very ____ person. She cannot take any criticism and alwa...
010 文法測驗 It’s a pity that you have to leave s...
011 文法測驗 We human beings may live without clothes, but food and air are ___...
012 文法測驗 The manager ______ without hesitation after he had been offered a ...
013 文法測驗 Many important legal ______ concerning the tragic incident have no...
014 文法測驗 I’m not sure exactly how much schola...
015 文法測驗 Tom was very ill a week ago, but now he looks healthy. We are ____...
016 閱讀測驗 All dogs deserve to look and feel their best. After a spa treatmen...
017 閱讀測驗 India is shrinking. A new analysis of satellite-based data has giv...
018 閱讀測驗 Whenever I set foot on the soil of Rwanda, a country in east-centr...
019 閱讀測驗 An old man who lived in a small side street of Mumbai had to put u...
020 閱讀測驗 Most American kids love Halloween treats, but a bucket of Hallowee...
021 閱讀測驗 The largest television network in America is not ABC, CBS, or Fox....
022 閱讀測驗 Last week Jay McCarroll and The HSUS (The Humane Society of the Un...
023 閱讀測驗 Twenty years ago, most experts believed that differences in how bo...