
102年中華郵政外勤郵遞業務 - 簡易英文

中華郵政 郵局考試 專業職 外勤郵遞

001 單選題 It was a ______ that the little boy survived the plane crash.
002 單選題 This is a good ______ for a post office because it is in the middl...
003 單選題 My father can speak both English and German ______.
004 單選題 We will have a big family ______ for...
005 單選題 Many people stood in long lines to see the ______ of stamps at the...
006 單選題 The ______ shows that Mary stole her...
007 單選題 I used to ______ myself with a walk in the botanical garden.
008 單選題 Mark is so ______ that we like him.
009 單選題 You should lie down and take some rest if you feel ______.
010 單選題 Though it is not very ______ paid, the job is quite interesting.
011 單選題 Jenny’s success in her career ______...
012 單選題 My wife and I ______ like to visit S...
013 單選題 Either my sister or I ______ to go to the mall to do some shopping...
014 單選題 When I was just ______ leave my office, I received a call from my ...
015 單選題 We are not happy ______ the result.
016 單選題 I ride the bicycle to the office every day. I save money ______ ga...
017 單選題 .Maria is shouting ______ excitement because she just won the firs...
018 單選題 The fireman soon ______ the fire.
019 單選題 A: All the flights for Hong Kong tomorrow are full. We have to cha...
020 單選題 A: Can’t you meet me later this afte...
021 單選題 A: Where are you now? I have been waiting for you in the park for ...
022 單選題 A: I have put on some weight in the last three months. B: ________...
023 單選題 A: That chair is in the way. Could you please move it? B: ________...
024 單選題 A: I came across my old classmate in town yesterday. B: __________...
025 單選題 A: My mother will be annoyed if we are late for dinner. B: _______...