

TOEIC 聽力 閱讀 關鍵情境 改制新題型

【人事Personnel】包含:recruiting招聘、 hiring聘用、 retiring退休、 salaries薪資、 promotions升遷、 job applications and advertisements 工作申請與廣告



001 聽力Part3
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011 閱讀Part1 We require the applicant to have the_________ to communicate effec...
012 閱讀Part1 We regret to inform you that your application has been denied beca...
013 閱讀Part1 If you do not receive a reply from us _______ one week, consider y...
014 閱讀Part1 They _______ looking for someone wit...
015 閱讀Part1 I am an experienced teacher _________ a part-time position, prefer...
016 閱讀Part1 We would like to schedule an _____________ for this coming Wednesd...
017 閱讀Part1 You can register on our website to be __________of new job posting...
018 閱讀Part1 If you would like to _________this position please print, sign, sc...
019 閱讀Part1 If you _______any questions about the contract, please do not hesi...
020 閱讀Part1 The position includes a variety of_______ benefits.
021 閱讀Part2 篇章結構 April 1st To Whom It May Conc...
022 閱讀Part2 篇章結構 To: peterhyders@mail.com From:...
023 閱讀Part3 線上對話 Carol Webb [09:08 A.M.]: I was...
024 閱讀Part3 單篇閱讀 Calling all teachers! Storm A...
025 閱讀Part3 單篇閱讀 March 31st To Whom It May Co...
026 閱讀Part3 雙篇閱讀【第一篇】 Hotel Manager Wanted Our...
027 閱讀Part3 雙篇閱讀【第一篇】 To: ALL STAFF From: debor...
028 閱讀Part3 三篇閱讀【第一篇】 Meeting Notes Date: Janua...