
NEW TOEIC 新多益閱讀題庫1

閱讀 模擬試題
由多益黃金證書家教及補教名師合力出題, 公開最新多益搶分秘訣的應考救星!
解答+注釋+分析解說=黃金組合 讓你輕鬆練習、拿下高分,進入夢幻學校、公司、升職加薪取得佳績就靠它!
001 閱讀Part1 The new automobile ________ by Grand Automotive is powerful and ve...
002 閱讀Part1 Riverville is known for ________ its natural beauty and its modern...
003 閱讀Part1 Bristano Machine, Ltd. first ________ the computer market in 1987,...
004 閱讀Part1 It is a good idea to go through the files ________ to weed out thi...
005 閱讀Part1 All employees are expected ________ the retirement party for Mr. M...
006 閱讀Part1 Good managers know how to ________ responsibilities to their subor...
007 閱讀Part1 The restaurant chain has been looking for an old house for sale __...
008 閱讀Part1 Poor visibility has forced the airli...
009 閱讀Part1 The Director of Sales and the Director of Accounts responded quite...
010 閱讀Part1 If the government cuts the legal workweek to thirty-seven hours, n...
011 閱讀Part1 While doctors may ________ in their opinions about drinking alcoho...
012 閱讀Part1 ________ most convenience store chai...
013 閱讀Part1 According to a recent survey of facility managers, 25 percent of r...
014 閱讀Part1 Lake City has decided to undergo a thorough ________ of its city a...
015 閱讀Part1 The bank demanded ________ in the amount of $50,000 from GorTech C...
016 閱讀Part1 The organization, which works in over 50 countries, helps people t...
017 閱讀Part1 Under certain circumstances a water-repellent paper may be particu...
018 閱讀Part1 After evaluating the amount of work we actually accomplished, we r...
019 閱讀Part1 Mr. Flaming will ________ the compan...
020 閱讀Part1 Payments which policyholders collect ________ insurance companies ...
021 閱讀Part2 TO : All employees FROM : Accounting Department DATE : March 22, 2...
022 閱讀Part2 John`s Laundry and Linen Cleaning Service John`s Laundry and Lin...
023 閱讀Part3 Centennial Electronics Distribution 438 Swinn Avenue Mount Ple...
024 閱讀Part3 ROUTE CHANGES 
On Friday, August 9, ...
025 閱讀Part3 Symposium to Stress Importance of Contemporary Art April 13 - 16...
026 閱讀Part3 Sandra Marcus named CFO of Crantel Inc. Crantel Inc. has announc...
027 閱讀Part3 Secure Siding Your local leader in home beautification! Accordin...
028 閱讀Part3 Proposal for funding of new communications studio at Weston Colleg...
029 閱讀Part3 第一篇 36 Young Street Eglington Apri...
030 閱讀Part3 第一篇 Winnitoba Times Fall Festival E...